Recent News
Apr 2022 - Robotaxi rivals Pony and WeRide join Chinese ride-hailing service OnTime's $153M round (Link) and, which both operate out of China's southern metropolis Guangzhou and California, have participated in OnTime's one billion yuan ($153 million) Series A funding round, according to an announcement from ride-hailing company OnTime on Tuesday. As autonomous driving technology and regulations advance rapidly in China, ride-hailing platforms start looking for solutions to cut labor costs. On the other hand, robotaxi startups also want help from car-hailing services to reach the masses.
Financing from the round came from a mix of private and public funds in China and overseas. State-backed Guangzhou Automobile Group (GAC), the parent company of OnTime and one of the largest automakers in China, led the round. Investors other than WeRide and Pony include Japan's SPARX, Singapore's Pilgrim Partners Asia, as well as government-affiliated funds Guangzhou Industrial Investment and Capital Operation, Lingnan Commerce and Trade Tourism, and Guangzhou Industrial Control.
Mar 2022 (HedgeFundsClub.Com) - Pilgrim's Albert Ee: "Hard skills and experience are key" (Link)
Albert Ee, one of the best-known persons in Singapore's hedge fund industry, talks with Hedge Funds Club's Stefan Nilsson about his career, the skills it takes to succeed as a hedge fund manager, risk management and Singapore's role in the industry.
MAS was brilliant in introducing the VCC. The structure is extremely attractive in attracting family offices and helping them manage their funds out of Singapore. I do think that the growth will continue into the medium to long term. While there have been a few prominent family offices, there is a lot of new wealth being created from new industries like fintech and crypto, and also wealthy families and money seeking a safe environment. As a geography, Singapore is also a recipient of geopolitical flows from Europe, North Asia and the region. This is something we have to realise; that our positioning as a country is a result of years of crafting policy and being able to adapt to these geopolitical changes. But regulatory and fiduciary responsibilities remain. Family offices coming to set up in Singapore need to work with local partners who have proven track records and can help them sidestep compliance, fiduciary and regulatory minefields as well. Look for partners with local knowledge and regional outlook who have done this before.
Feb 2022 - AGF ranked #1 for BarclayHedge Discretionary Traders Managing Less Than $10M
Feb 2022 - AGF ranked #2 for BarclayHedge Short Term
Feb 2022 - AGF ranked #1 for BarclayHedge Diversified Traders Managing Less Than $10M
Feb 2022 - AGF ranked #1 for BarclayHedge CTAs Managing Less Than $10M
Dec 2021 - AGF ranked Top 10 for BarclayHedge Discretionary Traders Managing Less Than $10M for the year of 2021

Dec 2021 - AGF ranked #1 for BarclayHedge Discretionary Traders Managing Less Than $10M
Dec 2021 - AGF ranked #2 for BarclayHedge Short Term
Dec 2021 - AGF ranked #2 for BarclayHedge Diversified Traders Managing Less Than $10M
Dec 2021 - AGF ranked #2 for BarclayHedge CTAs Managing Less Than $10M
Oct 2021 - AGF ranked #2 for BarclayHedge Discretionary Traders Managing Less Than $10M
Jun 2020 - AGF ranked Top 20 for BarclayHedge Top Performing CTA Past Year, Ranked By Compound Annual Return 1 Year Ending Jun 2020

Apr 2020 - AGF ranked #1 for BarclayHedge Discretionary Traders Managing More Than $10M
Apr 2020 - AGF ranked #1 for BarclayHedge Diversified Traders Managing More Than $10M
Apr 2020 - AGF ranked #3 for BarclayHedge CTAs Managing More Than $10M
Apr 2020 - AGF ranked top 10 for BarclayHedge Short Term
Mar 2020 - AGF ranked top 10 for BarclayHedge Systematic Traders
Mar 2020 - AGF ranked top 10 for BarclayHedge Short Term
Mar 2020 - AGF ranked top 10 for BarclayHedge Diversified Traders Managing Less Than $10M
Mar 2020 - AGF ranked top 10 for BarclayHedge CTAs Managing Less Than $10M
Feb 2020 - Press release: OPIM and Pilgrim entered a strategic partnership to cooperatively promote the development of Asian hedge fund industry
This partnership integrates the offering of multiple fund management structures, including private equity and private market assets, and aims to meet fund managers’ increasing demand for regulated fund schemes. In the cooperation with PPA, OPIM expects to facilitate and promote the access to fund management structures in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore and the rest of Asia, to share the benefits of the integration and interconnection of the Asian fund market and to support fund managers and investors to develop and conduct businesses more efficiently and economically.
Feb 2020 - AGF ranked top 10 for BarclayHedge Short Term
Feb 2020 - AGF ranked top 10 for BarclayHedge Diversified Traders Managing Less Than $10M
Feb 2020 - AGF ranked top 10 for BarclayHedge CTAs Managing Less Than $10M
Aug 2019 - AGF ranked #3 for BarclayHedge Diversified Traders Managing Less Than $10M
Jun 2019 - AGF ranked top 10 for BarclayHedge Diversified Traders Managing More Than $10M
Jun 2019 - AGF ranked top 10 for BarclayHedge Short Term
May 2019 - AGF was nominated by EurekaHedge for 'Best Asian Hedge Fund'

May 2019 - AGF was nominated by EurekaHedge for 'Best Singapore-based Hedge Fund'

Jan 2019 - AGF wins HFM Hedge Fund Awards Asia 2019 - 'Best Emerging Manager Award'

It is with great pride that we announce and congratulate the team behind Ascent Global Fund (AGF), a 3-year vintage fund for winning the HFM Hedge Fund Awards Asia 2019 - 'Best Emerging Manager Award'
Year on year, the fund has surpassed internal financial markers in the shortest possible time frame.
We would like to sincerely thank our investors and partners in the journey of AGF and look forward to their continuous support.
Nov 2018 (HFM Global) - Fostering and sharing success: Pilgrim Partners outlines the value of their service offering. (Link)
Pilgrim has a competitive advantage in that it understands the business needs of fund managers. This includes a strong mid-office that provides daily trade reconciliation, performance reports and risk management oversight. Systems and process are investment-centric to provide an effective and efficient platform for fund managers and investors to quickly launch their business with a lower start-up cost. This allows fund managers to focus on portfolio management and gives them time to establish a track record without having to worry about operational costs and distractions.
Pilgrim offers a robust platform for institutional and private investors, fund managers, family offices, and private and independent bankers. With these capabilities, the firm is uniquely positioned to facilitate international funds and asset managers who wish to establish their presence in Singapore.